• 2016
  • 200+
  • 80+
    Member Agencies
Oneida County Opioid Task Force

Oneida County Opioid Task Force

Initially formed in 2016 by Oneida County Executive, Anthony J. Picente, Jr., and subsequently restructured in 2019, the Oneida County Opioid Task Force is a cross-sector coalition of community stakeholders focused on eradicating the opioid epidemic and addressing substance/drug use in Oneida County.

The Task Force is currently co-chaired by Oneida County Executive, Anthony J. Picente, Jr., Oneida County Sheriff, Robert M. Maciol and Oneida County District Attorney, Todd Carville. The 2019 restructuring combined the efforts of both the Oneida County Health Department (OCHD) and Oneida County Department of Mental Health (OCDMH).

  • Mission

    The Oneida County Opioid Task Force is dedicated to reducing the total number of overdoses, fatalities, and drug-related burden in Oneida County by delivering effective, efficient, and respectful public service with integrity and accountability, using both proven and innovative methods.

  • Vision

    We envision a community that is completely free of opioid-related overdoses and fatalities, and one that leads the way for other jurisdictions across the state and nation to achieve the same.

  • Values

    We encourage innovation, respect human dignity, and foster an environment of collaboration.



The Oneida County Opioid Task Force is co-chaired by the following Oneida County elected officials.

Anthony J. Picente, Jr.
Anthony J. Picente, Jr.
Oneida County Executive
Robert M. Maciol
Robert M. Maciol
Oneida County Sheriff
Todd C. Carville
Todd C. Carville
Oneida County District Attorney